What’s The Difference Between Alimony Vs. Spousal Support?

Spousal support is a big deal in divorces and is bound to come up if you and your partner decide to separate. Maybe you quit your job to raise the kids while your spouse worked, and now you’re getting divorced and wondering if you’ll get any money. Or perhaps you put your own career on […]

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Does Polyamory Lead To Divorce in Chicago, IL?

Most marriages in the United States involve only two people, but a growing number of people are expanding the idea of marriage to include more than two spouses. Polyamory is sometimes called “consensual nonmonogamy” and involves the practice of having more than one intimate relationship at a time. It’s estimated that one in five Americans […]

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What Is Attorney-Client Privilege? 

Depending on the circumstances, communications between an attorney and a client can be considered “privilege”. The attorney-client privilege means that neither an attorney nor their client can be commanded to share their communications with others. This rule helps clients feel secure that their most sensitive information does not fall into the wrong hands. Attorney-client privilege […]

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Divorcing a Narcissist: Tips, Tools, and What To Expect

Divorce is never easy under the best of circumstances, but divorcing a narcissist can be even more difficult. Experts estimate that up to 5% of the U.S. population may have narcissistic personality disorder. That’s around one out of every 20 people.  The personality traits of a narcissist can make all types of communication a challenge, […]

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